Wednesday, March 9, 2011

time pass

 Exams are going on full swing in college..  2 1 2 1 system took a rest for us first years this periodics.. Do whatever, we are never going to complete our study on time!!
  This week has been full of sleepless nights, multiple cups of tea and coffee to keep the eyelids open..  Had two exams today.. Did badly in both.. Result of over stressing, over grasping, less sleeping...
  Once the first session got over I pretty much accessed the situation about to come over me in the next session.. I chilled out in the break and studied only in bits... Wonders of wonders.. I could only answer what I had studied in bits..  Figuring out what was the use of all those night toils...
   Anyway today is a bit relaxed as tomorrow is a holiday.. Only one more exam to go.. Will catch up on sleep today...
    Where are all the bloggers?? None of the blogs I read have been updated.. Freelancer, Solitary writer, chickwit..... Where???????????

1 comment:

Proton Bhattacharya said...

haha proton is here to positively charge everyone... yes where is freelancer nd solitary writer